About Us

Welcome to USAretailtherapy.com a blog dedicated in displaying American made products from entrepreneurs and craftsmen in an effort to increase productivity and financial freedom of the US from foreign markets.    

Disclaimer:  We are uninterested in any agendas that are political or social in nature we have one primary goal in mind, which is the following:

Support our fellow Americans that have gone into business making useful/quality products and in turn have employed other Americans, which, in turn, contributes to a stronger financial base for this country and an economic freedom from politics and agendas.

Our story:  We are Americans born and raised.  Our great grandparents were all immigrants that came to the US and started businesses which thrived and prospered even through the Great Depression.  They supported their families through war and prosperity, sent their kids to college without help from the American tax payer. None of those businesses are running now nor did they provide us with an inheritance of monetary value however their stories and their lives have greatly influenced our lives in the following ways:

  1. Value for what this country has to offer for those with a dream and a good work ethic
  2. The importance of relying on yourself for achieving financial security when economics of our country is increasingly decided by politicians and businesses that may not have the best interest of the United States and/or its citizens at heart

So where is this coming from?  Retail therapy! If shopping were an Olympic sport we would be world champions every year for the last 30+++ years.  We like to shop for everything from baby clothes to bathroom fixtures. We visit websites, have apps, push notifications etc and we can find a bargain like it’s nobodies business.  

I got my first real job when I was 14 for the sole purpose of buying a pair of Calvin Klein jeans.  As the years have progressed through marriage and kids and as my financial freedom has increased I have become increasingly aware that much of what I am buying and or receiving as gifts is NOT made here at allhere is an example

Dressing for my “in the basement” workout:

Sports bra:  Made in China
Sports top and workout shortsdreamed in Montreal (Canada), made in Thailand-DOUBLE IMPORTED!! Yikes!!!
Socks:  Made in China
Shoes: Made in China

Which brings us to our secondary goals:

    1. Provide one easy reference for buyers that are interested in phasing out of an imported, retail lifestyle. 
    2. Give honest appraisal of the products on the blog-we can not expect people to pay more for American products if they are of inferior quality
    3. Highlight voids in American production so that creative Americans may fill the void through utilization of American industry and the American workforce.
  • Most importantly, help to drive a shift in the  mindset of the American consumer towards using the American dollar to support your neighbor and invest in American quality over foreign, cheap labor, derived quantity.

As you contemplate your next purchase whether it is an item for yourself (come on you deserve it) or a loved one we are hoping that you will look here first and consider Made in the USA!!

Happy Shopping!!!!